Toggle quote (12 lines)
> Daniel Dinnyes <> skribis:
>> I found that in the graphical install mode, while
>> being asked for keyboard layout, there was no option for Dvorak
>> layout.
> The Dvorak layout is there, but maybe not where you expect: you
> have to
> first select, say, the “English (US)” layout, which brings you
> to a
> second page where you can choose a variant, one of which is
> Dvorak
> (screenshot below.)
Not bein' snarky here: where else would you expect it to be? I've
never seen the DSK categorised as anything but ‘US (Dvorak)’. The
layout itself is pretty anglocentric, and even (I mean: of course)
the UK Dvorak subtly differs from the US one.
I assume this isn't the first time you've installed a GNU/Linux
distribution, so I'm curious where you found it on others. Do
they flat-out alias ‘Dvorak’ to the US variant? Not convinced we
should emulate that.
Side note: the Debian (or was it Ubuntu?) installer has a great
feature to help you figure out your keyboard layout in the minimum
number of keystrokes. I wonder if we could use that decision tree
data in our own installer. IME most people have no idea what the
name of their keyboard layout is; it's always ‘er, the regular
one?’ to them.
Imma check it out,